Google Worries As Android OS Chaos Increases
When Your Favorite Internet Gaint Google, Rolls out a new Operating System For its Android Mobile Devices, It doesn't mean that every android user can install the updates on their Phones Immediately, They Have to wait atleast 6 months. And those are the lucky Ones, Others don't even get an Upgrade to their Android OS.
The Upgrades Are Reserved For Newer Devices, And for the older devices (like more than 9 months old), The manufacturedecides if they want to give upgrade.
This Table Shows The Current Android OS distribution On The Market :
The Upgrades Are Reserved For Newer Devices, And for the older devices (like more than 9 months old), The manufacturedecides if they want to give upgrade.
This Table Shows The Current Android OS distribution On The Market :
Ginger-Bread As A Security Risk :
Google Is Unhappy by this fragmentation in the android market, As it makes a lot of trouble for the developer to port their apps to this large variety of hardware's, versions and interfaces, And this condition also applies to Google's own Apps. So Google Created A Modular Design Since Ice Cream Sandwich, Where Google can upgrade some parts of the OS like Play Store, Download Manager And Some Other Stuff, Regardless of the manufacture. Thus approx. 20 Modules Always stay up-to-date. Other modules can also be updated by Google if the manufacture allows it, that is why Nexus Series is always updated.
Although It is currently unlikely that you'll encounter an major security risk, but small viruses and spywares have been targeting android now more than ever. The Android 2.3, AKA Gingerbread has been attracting special attention of hackers, In the last month Google Removed 32 Malicious Apps from the Play Store Which have already attacked some of the devices. In the last year, Over 33 Million Devices were found infected, Out of which 43% was Android 2.3.
How Fragmented Is Android, You Wonder ?
The Latest Version, Android 4.2 Aka JellyBean Is only available on a small fraction of the installed base. Android 2.3 And Android 4.0 Consist of 60% OS Installed on current android mobiles.
So What Is The Main Reason Behind This Fragmentation ?
Updates Does Not Make Up Money For Manufactures :
We all know, When the companies try to sell their Mobiles, they promise us all kinds of things like epic customer supper, great warranty or Promised Updates, But Only a Margin of Companies keep their word.
Most of the companies are focused on making money, and the easiest way of doing that is to make your upcoming mobile something we ( The Users ) have never seen, So They put all their manpower to the new Devices. The Companies cannot afford to upgrade their old mobiles so they don't give a Flying F*ck About older devices.
Too Many Difficulties In Launching The Upgrade :
You Got Updated To The Latest Version Of The OS, Great, See What happens behind the curtains :
- Google Develops And Launches It New Android For Nexus Series.
- The OS Is then passed on to the partner manufactures.
- Manufactures Cast The OS To their requirements like modded Interface, Pre-installed Apps Etc.
- The Modded OS Is then tested on Devices.
- The OS Is then sent back to Manufactures Programmers to fix the bugs and enhance performance.
- The OS Sent Back To Testing Again.
- If Passed, The OS Is then made available to users.
With The First leaks of Android 4.3 Going Viral on Net, And Android 5.0 (Key Lime Pie) Delayed for the time being, Google has a lot to work on if they want to keep Android Alive And Exclusive, Else it might end up like Windows CE OS.
This Means Forcing Manufactures to push Updates often and faster, Unlike Samsung, Who Took 6 Months to release it's Android 4.2 Update.
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